Changes to the Exclusive Right of Purchase criteria


Due to forecasted burials, it is anticipated that there are only around 40 years left until the cemetery reaches capacity.

Broughton Gifford Parish Council has therefore taken the difficult decision to now only allow residents to purchase plots as of 1st April 2023.

A resident is defined by one or more of the following statements:

    1. A person living in the village at the time of purchase
    2. A person who was living in the village at the time of death
    3. A person who had lived in the village but for reasons outside their control had to move out of the village in their final years – i.e. to a residential care home

At the discretion of the Parish Council, the following criteria may be considered

    1. A person who has immediate family buried in the cemetery i.e. mother, father, sibling, or child
    2. A person who has more than 4 close members of their family buried in the cemetery ie. Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather

This policy will be reviewed in the future if it becomes possible to extend the cemetery.

Annual Parish Meeting – All invited!


7:30 PM


Refreshments provided – All parishioners welcome


a) Welcome and apologies
b) Minutes of the last APM & matters arising
c) To receive the Chairman’s report of council work during 2022/23
d) Reports from Police, Wilts. Council & community groups
e) To invite questions from residents on council work or reports

If you would like an item on the agenda, please contact Clerk Georgina Berry (07939 879488) by Monday 24th April (Email: )



The website is currently under construction – some links may not work at the moment. We hope to have the website back up and running shortly.


  • Are you interested in local current affairs?
  • Do you wish to serve your community?
  • Could you provide a voice for residents?

If you feel like you would like to get involved in making decisions about your local community and make a significant contribution to the area in which you live, then this is the position for you!

There are 11 council meetings per year with very occasional ad-hoc meetings.

Applications are invited by anyone registered on the Electoral Register who is and has been living in the parish for the whole of the period of the last 12 months.

If you would like more information or to express your interest, please submit a letter of application giving brief reasons why you should be considered for the vacancy, to the Parish Clerk or one of your councillors.